Akshay Kumar uses social media in a rather private manner, largely to advertise and advance his films. But on Tuesday, the actor surprised his fans by posting a romantic photo of himself and Twinkle Khanna’s spouse. In the picture of the power couple, Bollywood actors might be seen adoringly staring at one another. The image immediately began to circulate online. The image depicts the pair, dressed in traditional garb, laughing enthusiastically. The “Ram Setu” actor is celebrating his wedding anniversary with his author-wife. anniversary. On January 17, 2001, Twinkle and Akshay were united in marriage.
“Two flawed individuals who have been perfectly bonded for a period of 22 years, Tina, happy anniversary.”

Someone decides we must pedal along an icy lake on a chilly Sunday morning. There is no point in figuring out the name of the person who carried out this diabolical scheme. My standard philosophy is whatever floats your leaky boat, so long as I’m not forced to go along with it.

Akshay updated his followers on the status of his next movie, “Selfie,” in the film department. “Now that you understand my use of the term “fillers,” they severely irritate my skin, which is why. #Selfiee Trailersoon to be. Keep checking back (sic),” he tweeted alongside a video. Likewise, the Raj Mehta-directed film.