After his film “Liger” failed to take off at the box office, Vijay Devarakonda appears to be giving out the message that he is down but not out. He recently revealed his upcoming movie with director Parasuram, whose previous film, “Geeta Govindam,” starred Vijay and Rashmika. When announcing his upcoming project with the director of “Geeta Govindam,” Vijay Deverakonda said, “We are going back again.” The 2018 Telugu film is one of Vijay’s biggest successes and solidly places him at the top. Sri Venkateswara Creations, run by renowned producer ‘Dil’ Raju, is financing the film. In a tweet, the company said it was “very thrilled to announce” that it was working with Parasuram and Vijay Devarakonda on their hit movie. The latest theatrical release of Vijay Devarakonda was “Liger,” a pan-Indian film directed by Puri Jagannath.